

汪宇溢:今天去找阿伯特,发现任务能做了,莫名其妙的 发布于 2022-03-30 02:05:04

z_nning01:我也遇到了 但是我放弃了一段时间做其他任务 然后再去找他就能对话了 你可以试试先做其他任务去 偶尔想起来了去试一试 发布于 2022-03-27 21:04:34

423694999:最好是能读到市长演讲时的那个档,如果没有了的话,确实还挺麻烦的,他是不是还站在那个演讲台的旁边 发布于 2022-03-27 20:46:14

慕雪and秋夕:读档,我那次也跟你一样先去了去了五金店,应该先去找他领任务,而不是优先获得任务物品 发布于 2022-03-27 20:34:04

皇冠嬷嬷:我记得应该是有几个前置的任务要做完,和他对话才出找油漆的任务,先推进钻石城的剧情再来找他吧。我以前也遇到过,提前拿到油漆找他结果不能对话 发布于 2022-03-27 20:24:44

asdasd11111389:反复读档,读到能对话,这BUG在任何对话任务都可能触发。不过概率很低。 发布于 2022-03-27 20:24:14

汪宇溢:有没有什么跳过任务或者直接完成任务的代码? 发布于 2022-03-27 20:19:24

风月梦夏:这图很有年代了,不过还是看一次笑一次 发布于 2022-03-27 20:12:14

a45453232:一般来说你去找他的时候,都是第一次到这个地方,会触发市长演讲过场,全员跑去听课的脚本。所以都很忙,而此时的市长,一般情况下是正在坐电梯去市长办公室或者正在市长办公室抽烟,要过来是一个很漫长的过程,他到了演讲台上才会触发类似兄贵会飞艇登场的过场动画效果。所以建议在座椅那站着等等,不要按T等待,等市长讲话结束再去找阿伯特 发布于 2022-03-27 19:38:44

风陈天帝:那你要等到人家忙完先 发布于 2022-03-27 19:34:54

Sunbathboy:维基?敢用外国敌对势力的软件 发布于 2022-03-27 19:18:14

水男阿基米德:。。。。白天去看看? 发布于 2022-03-27 18:14:04

图标pc.png如果已经有了油漆,您可以尝试使用控制台命令setstage ffdiamondcity 01 20来解决此问题。如果你还没有油漆,你也可以试着把舞台设置为10而不是20。但是,如果上述情况目前有效,setstage命令似乎不适用于此任务。
Icon pc.png使用控制台命令setstage 0001d727 10,然后20,然后30逐步完成任务,直到需要实际粉刷墙壁。如果需要,先从五金城拿油漆,然后再油漆墙壁。这似乎是走过虫子和方丈完成任务正常。
Icon pc.png如果唯一的幸存者在与雅培的绿色颜料混合后,在库存中有一个额外的蓝色颜料罐,它将被永久地卡在库存中,为游戏的剩余部分增加颜料罐的重量。即使任务完成后,它仍然算作任务物品,因此不能被移除[已核实]
图标pc.png在许多不同的游戏中使用了绘画混合器后,即使重新启动游戏多次,它也不再工作。 发布于 2022-03-27 18:10:44

汪宇溢:维基上找到的办法不知道怎么用 发布于 2022-03-27 18:10:44

汪宇溢:Icon pc.png Even after getting the miscellaneous objective to "See Abbot at the wall" to initiate the quest, one will sometimes not be able to talk to him. He will just speak his "I'm busy!" lines. Sometimes this can be cleared by going to Hardware Town and obtaining the green paint. On the other hand if the green paint is already obtained before attempting to talk to Abbot, removing it from the inventory first may allow talking to him, though in this case the quest may still malfunction. Disabling and enabling Abbot does not fix the quest. A way to avoid the bug may be by not making the green paint before meeting him and get the quest.[已核实]
A possible cause is a quest objective for Quartermastery or Kidnapping being in Hardware Town, regardless of if the quest is active or not. Completing the quest seems to fix this issue.[已核实]
Icon pc.png You can try to resolve this issue by using the console command setstage ffdiamondcity01 20 if you already have the paint. You could also try setting the stage to 10 instead of 20 if you don't yet have the paint. However, the setstage command does not seem to work for this quest if the situation outlined above is currently in effect.
Icon pc.png Use the console command setstage 0001d727 10 then 20 and then 30 to step through the quest until actually painting the wall is needed. If needed get the paint from Hardware Town first and then paint wall. This seems to walk past the bug and Abbot finishes out the quest normally.
Icon pc.png If the Sole Survivor has an extra blue paint can in the inventory after mixing with green paint for Abbott, it will be stuck in the inventory permanently, adding the weight of the paint can to the encumbrance for the rest of the game. Even upon completion of the quest, it still counts as a quest item, and therefore cannot be removed.[已核实]
Icon pc.png After having the paint mixer work in many different games, it no longer works, even when restarting games from scratch multiple times. 发布于 2022-03-27 18:10:34

发布于 2022-03-27 18:10:24



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