《龙腾世纪》编的拉维兰部落的背景和审判结束 后的世界走向


莫非这也在你的计划之中吗,蛋蛋? 发布于 2021-07-29 03:13:04

发布于 2021-07-28 20:24:34

再,江山代有才人出,除了多利安作为老队友衔接,不希望有老队友在新作出现充当重要剧情人物了 发布于 2021-07-28 20:24:34

humonster:论不搞politics的人非得被迫上位搞politics的**性 讲真Gaspard和VVN联合起来在卡姐背后要挟她这个操作我是没看懂的,但我同意你Briala玩奥莱那套不会有理想结果的思路。当整个体质都是反精灵的时候唯有推翻这个不当体质才有出路。 发布于 2021-07-28 20:15:44

黑之羊白之鸽:我的玩的选择是战争桌任务里拉维兰部落就被灭了,入侵者dlc后把审判庭保留下来。这样我的判官既要负责审判庭的工作,还要对抗solas(没事可能还做梦虐自己一下),还要和奥雷和费雷尔登、教会之间进行权力周旋,还要在塞拉的帮助下寻找氏族的幸存者,有时可能还要和多利安谈谈心或秘密合作一下。总觉得我家判官都坚持不到DA4出场就得过劳死了。 发布于 2021-07-28 20:15:34

happy极光之雨:瑟达斯的命运又一次被几个女人所掌控。 发布于 2021-07-28 19:48:04

艾丝O克拉涅尔:这岂止是一个惨字能解 发布于 2021-07-28 19:11:24

talostalos:贴链接会被吞。给个关键词Tara Lavellan到必应上去搜吧。
Celene assassinated in Winter Palace Ball, but only sent into a semi-permanent deep coma, not dead. Declared indisposed to rule, she was replaced by Grand Duke Gaspard, who was declared Emperor of Orlais with Inquisition's backing. Briala was made Marquess of Halamshiral
Clan Lavellan was destroyed by an unsanctioned Exalted March launched by Chantry dominated city of Tantervale and Starkhaven, participated by every other Free Marches cities. It was later revealed that crusade was secretly instigated by General Samson and his rogue templars, under Corypheus' direct command, as a personal revenge against Inquisitor Lavellan. As the result, the mistrust between Chantry dominated cities and others deepened
Divine Election. The previously most popular candidate, Leliana, who was also backed by Inquisitor Lavellan, unexpectedly lost to Cassandra, who was made Divine Victoria
Taking opportunity of Inquisition of preoccupation in Avvar Lands, Emperor Gaspard launched a coup and arrested Marquess Briala, who actually ruled the empire behind the scene until then, and claimed he had her executed. Celene was also declared dead. However, Gaspard was unable to present either woman’s corpse. If these two women were still alive, their current whereabouts were unknown
Divine Conclave. Inquisition was disbanded by a disheartened Inquisitor Lavellan, who was dismayed by recent political development in Orlais and Ferelden’s open hostility against Inquisition. She especially felt betrayed because she counted Queen of Ferelden as a personal friend
The relation between Ferelden and Orlais continued to deteriorate as Divine Victoria, under Emperor Gaspard and Grand Enchanter Vivienne’s prompt, demanded Circle of Ferelden’s autonomy revoked and returned to the pre-Blight status, which was vehemently opposed by Ferelden, who saw this as a move to disarm the kingdom of its most potential weapon and a prelude to a new invasion. Victoria also demanded Fereldan Crown to renounce its right to sanction appointment of clerics in that kingdom, which was also firmly rejected.
Under Gaspard and Vivienne’s pressure, Victoria was forced to dismiss her chief advisor and Left Hand, Leliana. While a powerful warrior, Victoria was politically weak as she lacked the interest and expertise in political maneuvers. As Leliana’s part in putting Briala, a hated knife ear, in power was exposed, her position was fatally compromised. Shortly afterwards, Gaspard ordered Leliana arrested for high treason against the empire and accused her of being a Fereldan spy. Victoria disapproved this but was unable to intervene
The former Inquisitor, also an elf, now resided in Val Royeaux, found the nobility, who previously welcomed her presence, began to shun her, she was no longer invited to their parties
Cullen Rutherford succumbed to his lyrium addiction and became a beggar on Val Royeaux street. Deeply disappointed, Victoria refused to help him immediately, intending to let him suffer the consequence of his decision a while longer before rendering help.
Gaspard sent assassins against former Inquisitor Lavellan in a midnight, but they were dispatched by her. Even after losing one hand, she was still way too powerful for them. (Against his more rational judgement, Solas also secretly rendered help by giving forewarning in her dream)
On the same night, Lavellan, Cullen and Leliana were retrieved by three small teams sent by Queen of Ferelden. In Leliana’s case, she was bailed out of a top security prison with Victoria’s tacit help.
The Grand Cleric of Ferelden, who was just appointed by Victoria recently, tried to name clerics, especially Revered Mothers (leader of local Chantry) without the crown approval and replace the Knight Commander in Kinloch‘s Hold with a new one from Orlais. The Queen immediately had her arrested and thrown out from Ferelden
Gaspard and Vivienne forced Victoria to sanction an Exalted March, with its declared goal of replacing the Fereldan Queen, the Hero of Ferelden, with an Orlesian woman as King Alistair’s wife. Victoria, however, refused to give her blessing, which made the Exalted March the first one in history without Divine blessing
The Exalted March penetrated as deep as West Hill. Unable to take that fortress and unable to force Fereldan army into a decisive engagement, however, the invasion foundered in harsh Fereldan winter with inadequate supply and rampant sickness among soldiers. The Orlesian Expedition Force had to beat a difficult retreat in dead of winter, suffering enormous losses
With failure of Exalted March, both Emperor Gaspard and Divine Victoria’s reputation plummeted. The rebellions launched by nobles, commoners and elves flared up in various areas of empire. The rebellions and domestic unrest, combined with escalated tension and small border conflicts with Kingdom of Nevarra, prevented Gaspard from launching any further Exalted March against Ferelden in the immediate future.
As result of Exalted March, Ferelden declared its Chantry independent, no longer following any order from Sunburst Throne. However, in order to reconcile with Victoria in the future, they didn’t declare a rival-Divine of their own. Leliana was delcared Grand Cleric of Ferelden, who then began a sweeping reform to incorporate other races into Chantry and seek an accommodation with dalish clans.
The short hot war between Ferelden and Orlais was succeeded by a cold war with Orlesian Empire and pro-(Orlesian)Chantry Marches cities (these were dubbed ‘river cities’ as they were located along Minanter River) on one side, and Ferelden, Nevarra and other Marches cities (they were dubbed ‘coastal cities’ as they were located along the coast) on another. For other nations, Andefel was divided as its crown supported Orlesian Faction, but not its Grey Wardens, as they still resented the empire for trying to blame its troubles on its wardens and banishing them. Tevinter Imperium supported Fereldan-Nevarran Faction while Antiva remained neutral
In the meantime, the Qunari nation was preparing massive invasions both against Tevinter Imperium and a deeply divided southern Thedas, while Solas and his supporters were also making their secret move
As in 9:47, Grand Cleric Leliana declared Inquisition revived under former Inquisitor’s leadership, to deal with the threats posed by Qunari and Solas. Victoria tacitly gave her approval. Thom Rainier was made new commander of Inquisition force, while Lord Fairbanks served his deputy and personal representative and liaison of Divine Victoria. Now literally everyone from the previous Inquisition (except Vivienne) was fed up with Gaspard, but he was still too entrenched to be deposed 发布于 2021-07-28 18:21:44

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