

The Shinobi is the Empire's mid-late game infantry unit which is often overlooked. The Shinobi is able to maintain a strong battlefield presence and since it is also an infiltrator, bringing a couple with you into battle has very positive consequences. His secondary ability also allows him to cause some serious damage to your opponent and if he isn't micromanaging his units properly, since he can quickly escape from your opponent as fast as possible. The Shinobi is best used when mixed with your Tsunami Tanks, Tankbusters and Chopper VXs. A Shinobi can easily counter any infantry that your opponent can throw at you, even commandos, with proper micro.



As part of an Army 作为部队的一部分

Using the Shinobi as part of any battle group requires some special micromanagement in order to counter infantry and exploit exposed buildings. Grouping your Shinobi and keeping him clear of anti-infantry vehicles along with intelligent use of their secondary ability is the easiest way to keep them alive during any assault. Since you have them grouped, it's easy to order them to take out any enemy infantry that might pop up in the course of the battle. In the aftermath, if you know you're going to lose this battle, you can easily micromanage your remaining Shinobi into Refineries or Power Plants to inflict some last mintue damage to your opponent.


Infiltration 渗透

The Shinobi can easily slip into any building in the heat of battle and often which building you decide to infiltrate can effect how your opponent can react to your attack. For example, popping into a Barracks stops your opponent from pumping out Javelin Soldiers to counter your tanks.


It's hard to pick the best structure to infiltrate during an assault, but here is a general outline of which buildings you should infiltrate. Of course this is just an outline and it depends on each situation.
War Factory- To stop your opponent from turning the tide of battle with a constant stream of tanks coming out of their War Factory, pop inside if you barely have a numerical advantage.
MCV- Resetting player powers, powering down radar, and pausing any building production make this the juiciest, but usually the best guarded building to infiltrate. It is best to infiltrate only if you can handle any units your opponent has defending his base.
Refinery - Stealing 2000 credits from your opponent is a good last minute decision if you have easy access to a Refinery and if you are looking to cripple his economy.
Power- This is mostly done if your opponent is using base defenses to keep your forces at bay. Infiltrate any Power Plant to disable those pesky defenses and keep moving forward. As a special note, when infiltrating a Soviet Super Reactor, the power stays shut off for much longer than a normal Power Plant.
Tech Structures- Sending a Shinobi in to a tech structure will disable any tier 3 units in the field for 30 seconds. Also, when units are coming out of a production structure they are immediately stalled.


Going Solo 单独行动

Using a Shinobi by itself is also very effective against most opponents. Usually by the time you bring them to the field, your enemy has at least one under-defended expansion Refinery, which is a prime target for infiltration. Unfortunately, your opponent has the annoying audio warning of "Enemy Infiltrator Detected" so it's best to move quickly and try to strike from a weird angle that your opponent won't be expecting.

让忍者单独行动在对付大多数对手时都是相当有效的。通常自从忍者进入战场对方就有一处缺乏防御的分矿可以作为渗透的主要目标。不幸的是你的对手会早早收到“Enemy Infiltrator Detected”(发现敌方步兵)的警报,所以你应该尽量迅速行动并从你对手想不到的敌方发起进攻。

Smoke Bomb 烟幕弹

The Shinobi has a very effective yet slightly complicated secondary ability that forces your opponent to target the Shinobi manually. This works to your advantage in a massive melee because you will force your opponent to either watch his infantry get ripped to shreds or he will have to focus on trying to take out your Shinobi. This is very useful for flanking your opponent because they usually will not be able to react in time so you can easily use the secondary, run out of the fog of war, then slip into an important structure.


红色警戒3 专区



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