

雷云奇变:哦,我的上帝这该死的文章就和隔壁玛丽阿姨做的曲奇饼干一样又硬有难吃 发布于 2023-07-18 21:47:11

FAX19831221:这种文章只有那种西方一周上四天班。上班全程梦游跟打酱油。实际一周工作两个小时的人才能写出来。国人跟韩人写不出来的 发布于 2023-07-17 22:36:31

FAX19831221:耳环套无视没效果怎么看。这几率练测试都没法测试 发布于 2023-07-17 22:36:11

FAX19831221:还有镶宝套装也有1%无视。莫非也是忽悠人的 发布于 2023-07-17 22:36:11

遥指天外:说到底,就是一直在修复少花钱还能玩的爽的BUG 发布于 2023-07-17 22:26:01

1978乔丹:你讲讲经验下调,迷宫难度增加是咋回事 发布于 2023-07-17 22:03:01

如果文库:题主尝到水贴的甜头了 发布于 2023-07-17 21:58:31

顺德吹水哥:14号大区更新就一起修复,玩召唤的老板的急了。这个修复真是为魔剑铺路啊,有意思。魔剑卡大剑估计又要等一下才能修复,一年内力魔利用BUG挂机无敌。 发布于 2023-07-17 21:41:11

人生再人生双鱼: 发布于 2023-07-17 21:37:11

塞外小神仙go:支持修正一切游戏内的BUG 发布于 2023-07-17 21:07:41

祈祷天尊:n你的汉语版,我读起来有点像外国电影被配音汉语的感觉,我的天哪,我居然从你的文字里听到了声音,真是不可思议,我的上帝 发布于 2023-07-17 20:40:51

祈祷天尊:你不会在乎这点的不是吗,正如我们不会在乎你的想法一样! 发布于 2023-07-17 20:40:31

KKOOFF64:卡影就*直译为card shadow,过分了啊 发布于 2023-07-17 20:34:31

IMONLINE_PG:card shadow 这自己编的吧 发布于 2023-07-17 20:31:21

大水圆zafer:谈平衡,他平衡个P 发布于 2023-07-17 20:30:51

q8005200:修复全部BUG吧 顺便把白毛超过325速掉线问题修复下 发布于 2023-07-17 20:21:41

10139536:最后一句才是精髓 发布于 2023-07-17 20:20:51

烟花伊人:有大神说明下 蓝贴是什么意思吗? 发布于 2023-07-17 20:12:41

勿忘我喜欢你:原来,二代是增加x2倍,如果3+2,2代以上耳环基本输出100%,普通的,比如24双倍,1代就是48%,二代就是72%,3代就是96%,四代就是100%双倍 发布于 2023-07-17 20:11:21

丶乄礻申乄丶:只能对棒子那边呵呵 发布于 2023-07-17 20:10:51

bobing亅:一直没懂什么意思,装备上的百分二十双倍,不就是攻击十次,有两次是双倍的意思吗。为什么改个耳饰,就说双倍没了。 发布于 2023-07-17 20:10:41

Oh, my friends, I didn't expect that we could meet so often in a short week. I don't know why. This feeling is very wonderful. I hope I can interact with you more frequently.
So let's talk about this repair. This time, we fixed the problem that the double damage probability caused by the character wearing earrings exceeded the probability that the character should have, resulting in the high false damage. This problem is obvious and does not conform to the original intention of the design, because the double damage probability increases, and the damage increase to the character is the highest. If this probability is multiplied by a bug, the character will have the ability to destroy the sky and the earth. This obviously does not conform to logic and reality.
So we found the crux of this problem, which is the earrings. Yes, this is the earrings we have produced for more than four years. After wearing the earrings, especially after the suit is activated, the probability of ignoring damage that should have been obtained is doubled by the wrong code, and the effect is still doubled. For example, the suit ignores damage by +1%, and the code is written as double of +1x, which is double, As a result, 30% of the summon can be combined with two suits, 20% of the mage can be combined with two suits of Passy, 20% of the warrior can be combined with two suits of Hans, 20% of the archer's Angela rattan suit, 25% of the magic swordsman's Kevin suit and Passy suit, etc. are all doubled by this wrong code. The players who use the 4th generation earrings have obtained an unprecedented double output probability (almost 100%). This is the reason why we can find this error code. The players who use the 4-generation earrings are almost doubling their damage throughout the whole process. This is very strange, isn't it.
We believe that our repair has restored the balance of the game. No one will get unparalleled output because of wearing high-level earrings. Everyone is back on track. As for the ignoring damage of earring cover, we can't make it produce the effect it should have, but it will only weaken your damage a little. You won't care about this, will you? Just as we won't care about your idea!
PS: the card shadow can't be repaired. Stop sending bug emails! 发布于 2023-07-17 20:10:11



回答:个人喜欢能爽快拼刀的boss,两个破戒僧,三个一心,三个义父,三个弦一郎,永真蝴蝶奶奶,鬼邢部老是跑来跑去,跳来跳去不能老老实实和我拼刀不喜欢,兽型boss全部不喜欢 ---这是一条小尾巴 详情 >


回答:在卡拉迪亚大陆里卡拉德帝国在战前对这场战争以为胜却在握。同理现实中拜占庭帝国共治皇帝罗曼努斯四世也筹集了尽十万大军,而敌人塞尔柱苏丹国苏丹阿尔普阿尔斯兰领军在外,国内空虚。拜占庭帝国在战前也认为这是一场必胜的战役。 详情 >


回答:随便点看运气 详情 >


回答:幻影破戒僧,还有他前面的凛 详情 >


回答:集中处理才是香,不用考虑矿和冶炼台随着科技变化的比例。疯狂拆迁中 详情 >