

多萝蒂亚:西班牙文維基都沒有寫 发布于 2022-03-23 20:42:52

我是西南鸟:考据完毕,睡午觉去了 发布于 2022-03-23 19:56:12

我是西南鸟:所以得出的结论,这个故事应该是好事者将太平天国套到南美华人身上而编出的一个故事,基于现实所做,并有足够的现实来源做支撑所做。想想也很简单,智利华工很多,但是清廷对智利华工的处境也很重视,曾经派遣专人去智利交涉以改善华工处境,如果是为了曾经的死敌太平天国去做这些事明显不可能,但是华工一多,出现一支中国军队也很正常,因此,这个故事是有一定现实基础的一个演义,伊基克的华人渊源问题也可以得到合理解释,说不定真是智利政府送给中国人自治的,但是那么多媒体在伊基克地震时候转载太平天国在美洲横扫千军,这就不得不说媒体太胡来了 发布于 2022-03-23 19:55:52

我是西南鸟:随后我查了南美洲华裔的关系,查到这样一篇文章,如截图所示,里边有一些老文献对太平天国去美洲的引用,也有反驳,到此时基本可以肯定这个故事是演义的,不过也可以肯定另一个事实,就是太平天国失败后确实有不少旧部流落西洋,东洋和南洋等地 发布于 2022-03-23 19:54:22

Yeah, but your opinion is also valid and interesting.
Respecting what you said, it's not quite... true.
You'll see, for the start of this story we'll have to go a couple decades back, during the Opium Wars there was this chilean mariner serving on the british navy named Patricio Lynch who had to learn the local language while staying in Canton. Why does this matter at all? Turns out he was 15 years old while serving there, and was one of the most important leaders of the Pacific War.[图片]So let's go back to the Pacific War itself, in Peru, the working conditions of the chinese people were very poor, due to the indentured service system, they were working almost as slaves, with wages that would make it almost impossible to be payed back and suffering from poor health for having to work with Guano.[图片]When Lynch's brigade found these workers, they always made efforths to liberate them, providing also[图片]and ammenities to them, then Patricio Lynch started talking with people of these groups and many of them started joining the chilean army once they knew what the chileans were doing, partly as a thank you for having liberated them, and partly to take revenge on the peruvians that had them on almost slave conditions.
As they kept advancing the word started to spread too and as time progressed more and more chinese people came to their aid,, eventually making into the thousands the number of chinese who were joining the army.
They worked mostly as camp followers, providing the services the army needed and carrying supplies and stuff, they also offered hospital service, espionage and some served as soldiers too of course.
Among these one of the most important figures was that of Quintin Quintana:
According to the memories of Patricio Lynch, Quintin Quintana was a chinese man who had managed to pay off his debt with the peruvians and established residence on the chinese community in Ica, the name was adopted after the man who owned the hacienda where he used to work.
viewing the suffering of the people that had elected him as their leader he encouraged them to take up arms against the peruvians and to help the chileans who liberated them.
After giving an inspiring speech and making a ritual under an altar to Kuong-kong (Kuan Yo is another way it's translated) where, after sacrificing a hen and over his blood they made a pact and a petition to their god of wishing victory of the chilean army over the peruvian, they swore their loyalty to the chilean army to the death and started spreading the word through letters to communicate this to the chinese communities along Peru, principally in Lima.
Out of this came a chinese batallion that has been given special mention, the "Vulcano" batallion, wich especialized on cleaning out minefields and worked as sappers in general, they worked under the leadership of the general "Arturo Villaroel" and were given complete uniforms, wich had given them much surprise and happiness, having become a real part of the army now.
That's most of what I've found these last few days respecting the theme, it's certainly interesting, and I really would like to hear more about it, but unfortunately it's difficult to find sources, as you can see, many facts have been mythified or exaggerated a bit. 发布于 2022-03-23 19:53:22

我是西南鸟:卧槽,刚贴的东西哪儿去了 发布于 2022-03-23 19:53:02

unknownmzqU:夸大成分恐怕不少 一帮残兵败将一出国就龙傲天了不成 发布于 2022-03-23 19:52:12

我是西南鸟:随后我查阅了英文维基,关于伊基克的问题,有这样一篇介绍。注意段末的citation needed,这个东西的真实性仍旧需要资料支撑,但是也说明伊基克与中国确实有深厚的渊源,因此这个故事仍旧有一定真实性成分在里面,否则这种东西不会说贴就给贴上去,删除了事即可。 发布于 2022-03-23 19:52:02

我是西南鸟:先说时间上的问题,硝石战争发生的时间是1880年前后,这个故事里的时间为1866年始,结尾提到有智利与玻利维亚秘鲁三国签订协议,这个时间与硝石战争结束的时间相符,但是之前时间对不上,所以,可以肯定有演义嫌疑。但是文中人物以及关键时间点皆有据可查,如莫克瓜战役,西皮拉佐少将,所以不能完全否定掉其真实性 发布于 2022-03-23 19:50:02

资料暂时找不到 发布于 2022-03-23 19:46:52

我是西南鸟:已经查到结果了,吃完饭把东西贴上来,这事儿有真有假,不过真实成分还是占不小比重的 发布于 2022-03-23 19:43:02

gu0753:想太多…当小说看就行了…不要当真 发布于 2022-03-23 19:38:02

莫拉格·晨风:都是俘虏被卖到南美当劳工的。 发布于 2022-03-23 19:37:42

xsm89:智力玻利维亚沿岸自大清以来即为我国领土 发布于 2022-03-23 19:17:02

来自心灵的黑暗: 发布于 2022-03-23 19:08:22

Victoret:硝石战争的时间对不上,而且我上微机并没有看到有这么些东西,所以存疑 发布于 2022-03-23 18:46:32

我是西南鸟:睡觉了,明早起来看帖,希望有人回答 发布于 2022-03-23 17:45:22

烧饼狂魔:感觉在中国国内打内战打输了的到外国都是常胜将军,匈奴,突厥,还有后来李弥手下在东南亚无敌的国民党军…… 发布于 2022-03-23 17:40:52

adsa42:我想到我一*同学说印第安人都是商朝遗民 发布于 2022-03-23 17:40:12

vicekk:怎么也觉得又是民族主义这只龟勃起了 发布于 2022-03-23 17:39:42

呵呵的初行者:小时候看百家讲坛讲过这一段。。。 发布于 2022-03-23 17:38:02

我是西南鸟:求回答呀求回答,求知道的回复一下,这事儿到底真的假的?求论据。我这儿实在查不出来,搜索栏里一长串了,查智利近代史和太平天国晚期史又实在没耐心,求知道的吧友给个解释,多谢了 发布于 2022-03-23 17:37:32

我是西南鸟:关于三万人如何在重重包围之下到美洲貌似也有合理解释,百度伊基克中国镇有一个关于此事的故事,有鼻子有眼不像是假,内中解释是列强的船清军不敢阻拦,详细的不转述了百度吧 发布于 2022-03-23 17:33:52

草莓果果微甜:果敢军也是 全球华人造反不在少数 发布于 2022-03-23 17:33:32



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