《使命召唤7:黑色行动》小电脑Cheat: Codes




发一个黑色行动里面的小电脑CHEATS:Cheat: Codes

On the Main Menu, alternately tap RIGHT and LEFT triggers (or hold the Space bar on a keyboard). After a bit, you'll stand up. Leave your seat and examine the back wall. A small black and white computer terminal can be found here. Approach it and enter these codes using the on-screen keyboard in the "Central Intelligence Agency Data System." (稍微翻译一下,这个大概谁都懂,游戏机平台的拼命摁LT RT,PC平台摁住SPACE键,MASON就站起来了,到后面的黑白终端电脑里输入下面的密码)

DOA - Play the super-awesome top-down Smash TV-style Dead Ops Arcade minigame(街机迷你电视游戏···死亡行动)
3ARC INTEL - Unlocks all the intel in the game for viewing (Disables Closer Analysis Trophy/Achievement) (解锁所有INTEL,注意:他会使你无法解开相应的成就)
3ARC UNLOCK - Unlocks all levels and Zombie Mode levels(解开所有等级和僵尸模式等级)
ZORK - Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (an incredibly great text adventure from 1980) which you can play on the console (!) (伟大的地下王国,一个1980的难以置信的文本冒险)
HELLO SAILOR - Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (an incredibly great text adventure from 1980) which you can play on the console (!) (这个有些奇怪,跟上面的一样···)
HELP - Gives you a list of commands to interface with the console -- you can check mail messages and perform other mundane functions, some of which are listed below(列出所有命令集)
DIR - Gives a list of audio files and pictures which you can open with the CAT command (eg CAT NoteX.txt)
WHO - Gives a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function (but they require a password)
RLOGIN - Log in with username and password (full list of logins below)
FOOBAR - Gives a strange message ("Fee Fie Foe Foo!")
ALICIA - Loads "Alicia," a virtual therapist


更多《使命召唤7:黑色行动》小电脑Cheat: Codes相关问题


回答:有句说句生2比生3恐怖,主要就是警察局暴君,离开警察局就好很多了,其实我挺怕G2的,反而G3我觉得挺帅,大场面战斗,反而很激动,G2我觉得长的很诡异。尤其他突刺过来要抓你的那一瞬间,然后生7几个boss我是一定都不怕。我反而怕普通菌兽,反而那些强化菌兽... 详情 >

问题:《生化危机》玩第一人称的 生化8玩一会儿就头晕恶心 你们有这种情况吗

回答:数字卡21张,1-10各两张,一张11~王牌95张,33种王牌配比~最多支持4人对战! 详情 >


回答:nga有大佬看了源码,给了飞船用电公式,可以参考一下 详情 >


回答:可以攻击尸体直接变成屠宰后的状态么?这样就不用招食人魔来做屠夫了 详情 >


回答:38块买了个1-7打包数字版,虽然我1-7的正版光碟都有但新电脑没光驱为了省麻烦再买了一遍凤凰正版。可恶心的是正版1-7依然不能在win10下玩,等于38块就买个虞姬了…哎,还好虞姬不是外国人,估计是后做的吧?那其他游戏人物啥时候重做一下呢? 详情 >
