Master of small arms 轻型武器专精
Increases the effectiveness of one-handed weapons.增强单手武器效力
Master of heavy weapons 重型武器专精
Increases the effectiveness of two-handed weapons.增强双手武器效力
Hand to hand 搏击姿态
A basic attack which passively increases all melee abilities.普通攻击(被动增强全部近战技能)
A savage hand to hand attack which damages armour.
Does not allow any parrying.拥有破甲效果,无法被格挡
Berserker charge狂暴冲锋
Only active in Berserker.(需要狂暴姿态下)
Charge against a distant enemy, increasing the strength of the attack.攻击远距离的敌人,增强攻击力量
Circular attack横扫攻击(旋风斩)
Only possible when armed with a two-handed weapon.(需要配备双手武器)
Hits all the surrounding enemies.攻击周围的敌人
Only active when in defensive stance.(需要防御姿态)
After a parry, the following attack is more powerful and cannot be interrupted.格挡成功之后,可发出强力反击,无法被打断
Critical knowledge 致命知识
Only possible when armed with a one-handed weapon.(需要单手武器)
The attacks have more probability of giving a crtitical blow.增加致命打击的几率
Defensive stance防御状态
Attack in defensive position at the expense of the strength of the attack.进入防御状态下,攻击力量降低
Double attack双重打击
Only possible when armed with a one-handed weapon.(需要单手武器)
Powerful attack that hits the target twice.对目标进行强而有力的两次连续攻击
Master of hand weapons拳套类武器专精
Increases the effectiveness of hand weapons. 增强拳套类武器的效力
[img][/img]Knock down击倒
Only possible in berserker.(需要狂暴姿态)
A kick which knocks down the enemy and makes him vulnerable for a short moment.使用脚踢,将敌人击倒在地,持续一段时间内敌人更易受到伤害
Only active when in defensive stance.(需要防御姿态)
A powerful blow that temporarily demolishes the adversary’s armour.持续较短时间破坏敌人护甲
Volley of punches(无影手类,不知道如何恰当翻译)
Only possible when armed with a hand weapon.(需要配备拳套类武器)
A powerful attack that can hit the adversary five times.五珠连发
Stun knowledge击晕知识
Only possible when armed with a two-handed weapon.(需要配备双手武器)
The attacks are more likely to knock the adversary out.强力敲打折磨敌人!!
Knowledge of injuring attacks创伤知识
Only possible when armed with a hand weapon.(需要拳套类武器)
The attacks are more likely to injure the adversary.使敌人受到创伤
Aiming stance瞄准姿态
Long range attack in aiming stance.较远距离外瞄准射击
Weakening shot 虚弱射击
Only possible with a firearm.(需要装备火器)
Special shot that reduces the enemy’s attributes. 降低目标的各项属性
Long range shot 远距离射击专精
Long range shot which passively increases all shooting abilities. 被动增强全部射击能力
Master of bow and arrow弓箭专精
Increases the effectiveness of bow and arrow shots.增强弓箭的射击效力
Master of crossbow十字弓专精
Increases the effectiveness of crossbow shots.增强十字弓的射击效力
Element shot元素射击
A magic shot that hits the target without fail.一定命中的魔法射击
Explosive quarrel爆裂箭(十字弓弹药)
Only possible when armed with a crossbow.(需要十字弓)
The shots have a better chance of exploding on impact and wounding all surrounding enemies. 较高的几率使目标周围的敌人受到冲击和伤害
Rapid fire迅捷射击
Long range shot of rapid fire.远距离快速射出燃烧的箭
Master of firearms火器专精
Increases the effectiveness of shooting with firearms.增强火器的射击效力
Disabling arrow残废射击
Only possible when armed with a bow and arrow.(需要装备弓和弓弹)
A shot which disables the enemy by reducing his speed of movement.降低敌人的移动速度
Multiple shots多重射击
Shoots several projectiles in a single attack.同时射出多个弹药
Destabilizing quarrel偏向箭(十字弓弹药)
Only possible when armed with a crossbow.(需要十字弓)
A particularly vicious shot which knocks down the opponent for a short moment. 以邪恶的力量击倒目标片刻
Stun shot晕眩射击
Only possible with a firearm.(需要装备火器)
The shots have a better chance of stunning the adversary. 较高几率使敌人晕眩
Wounding arrow创伤箭
Only possible when armed with a bow and arrow.(需要装备弓箭及弹药)
The shots have a better chance of wounding the adversary.使敌人受到创伤
Head shot暴头
Only active in aiming stance.(需要瞄准姿态)
Shots at enemies at a distance are very powerful and each hit does decisive harm. 强力的远程致命射击
Reflex shot条件反应射击
Only active in rapid fire stance.(仅对迅捷射击有效)
The speed of the shot against nearby enemies is increased.当附近敌人增加时,射击速度上升
Master of parrying格挡专精
Only active hand to hand or in defensive stance.(需要搏击姿态或者防御姿态)
Increases the chances of parrying.增加格挡几率
Rapid missiles快速投射
Increases the speed of all missiles.增加弹药飞行速度
Master of dodging闪避专精
Increases the chances of dodging.增加闪避几率
Armour penetration破甲
Melee attacks and shots pierce a part of the adversary’s armour.使近战及远距离射击穿透敌人盔甲
Increases the chances of parrying and dodging, but also the chances of being critically wounded. 增加闪避及格挡得几率,同时增加受到致命伤害的几率
Master of critical blows致命打击专精
Increases the chances of making a critical blow.增加致命打击几率
Master of armour 盔甲专精
Increases the effectiveness of armour.增加盔甲的效果
Deadly weapons致命武器
Increases the effectiveness of all weapons.增加全部武器的效果
Increases movement speed.增加移动速度
Poisoned weapons武器涂毒
The weapons have the potential of poisoning the hit adversary. 武器攻击使敌人中毒
Concentrated poison 毒药提炼
Increases the chances of poisoning and the duration of the poison. 增加中毒几率和持续时间
Corrosive poison 腐蚀性毒药
Adds an armour reduction effect to the poison. 毒药获得降低盔甲效果的属性
Weakening poison虚弱性毒药
Adds a slowing down effect to the poison as well as diminishing the agility and strength of the enemies that have been hit. 毒药获得减速效果(等同于削弱敌人的敏捷、力量属性)
Gives the chance of resisting attacks that stun, wound and destabilize, as well as the effects of poison.抵抗致晕、创伤、失衡(前面提到的偏向箭的效果)及毒药效果的几率
Increases your chances of finding magic objects and those from a higher level.增加寻获魔法装备及高级物品的几率
Element projectiles元素飞弹
Throw one or more pure energy missiles.射出一个或者多个能量飞弹
Passively increases the range of all element spells, and decreases the cost in power points.被动增加元素系的投射距离,减少力量点的消耗
Fire blood浴火之血(想来想去还是这个好,可惜不是burning,不然用沸腾或者燃烧更好)
Adds fire damage to the attacks and gives a better resistance to fire.增加火焰伤害和火焰抗性
Launches a fireball that causes heavy damage to the target.对目标发射一个火球,造成巨大伤害
Ignites the targeted adversary who will suffer damage from the fire for a while.被点燃的目标,短时间后将受到火焰伤害
Fire rain火流星
A rain of fire descends on the targeted area and causes heavy damage. 在一定区域内召唤火流星重创敌人
Ice ball冰风暴
Launches a ball of ice that causes little harm, but freezes the target. 发射一个魔法冰球,重创并冻结目标
Cold ring冰冻之环
Sends out a cold ring that causes little harm, but freezes the surrounding enemies.创造一个冰环,冰冻周围敌人并造成较少伤害
Ice crown冰冻王冠
Increases the resistance to cold.
Freezes all melee attackers. 增加冰冷抗性,受到近身攻击时冰冻目标
Invokes a tornado on the adversary which provokes heavy damage and slows down all of his actions. 召唤龙卷风打击敌人,并降低敌人的全部速度(移动\攻击\施法)
The target is hit by lightning.召唤闪电轰击敌人
Wind spell风之符咒
Gives better resistance to air damage.抵抗空气能量伤害
Increases the speed of incantation.增加施咒速度
Shock wave震波
Sends out a shock wave that wounds and destabilizes all the surrounding adversaries. 发出震波使周围敌人受到创伤,产生失衡效果
Calls up a powerful bolt of lightning that interrupts the enemy and inflicts heavy air damage. 以电击术打断敌人并造成巨大的空气能量伤害
The enemy is slowed down for a short moment.短时间迟缓敌人
Applied spells符咒专注
Increases the chances of doing decisive harm with the element spells. 增加元素符咒致命攻击几率
Invokes an element servant.召唤元素仆人
Master of elements元素专精
Increases the damage caused by all element spells.增加元素符咒的伤害
Invokes a dead servant.召唤死亡仆人
Amplified curses不灭诅咒
Increases the duration of curses.增加诅咒持续时间
Master of death死亡专精
Increases the damage caused by the Shadow.增加黑暗能量伤害
Damned enemies can spread the curse that is on them to any enemies that are close by.被诅咒的敌人将传染其附近的敌人
Shadow rage黑暗愤怒
Throws several projectiles which inflict damage from the Shadow. 发出多个黑暗能量伤害敌人
Increases the abomination’s combat abilities.增强(被召唤)怨念亡者的战斗技能
Element curse元素诅咒
Powerful curse that reduces the target’s resistance to elements.降低目标元素抗性
The enemy’s resistance can become negative and therefore will suffer additional damage.抗性被降低到一定程度(负抗性)的敌人将受到附加伤害
Increases the lost soul’s abilities.增加迷失之灵的能力(纳闷,哪来的lost soul.........)
Life drain生命汲取
Drains life from the target. 汲取目标生命
Lost weapon迷失爪牙
Invokes an avenging spirit.召唤复仇之灵
Master of necromancy召唤者专精
Increases the characteristics of your invocations of the Shadow.增强被召唤生物的黑暗能量
Power leak力量漏洞
Reduces the intelligence of the cursed adversary.降低受诅咒敌人的智力
Also reduces his incantation speed. 降低敌人施咒速度
Reduces the defensive capabilities of the cursed adversary.降低受诅咒敌人的防御能力
Increases the abomination’s ability to drain.增强(被召唤)怨念亡者的再生、汲取能力
Damned pact黑暗契约(屏蔽那个词....)
Transformation into Shadow.转化成暗影姿态
Light spells can wound you, but you are immunized against harm from the Shadow.免疫黑暗魔法攻击,而光明魔法将使你受到创伤
Increases armour but decreases resistance to the elements.
All attacks provoke additional damage from the Shadow.护甲增加,而元素抗性降低;每一次攻击都附带额外的黑暗能量伤害
Vampire hit吸血鬼之爪
A part of the physical harm inflicted on the adversary drains life.将敌人受到的物理伤害部分转化为生命汲取量
All of the harm from the Shadow inflicted on the adversary drains life.敌人受到的黑暗能量伤害全部转化为生命汲取
Rapid healing快速治疗
Reduces the incantation time of the healing spell.减少治疗魔法施咒时间
Gives life to the target.治疗目标
Master of healing治疗专精
Increases the quantity of life returned with the healing spell, and reduces its cost in power points.增加治疗符咒治疗效果(量),减少所需的力量点
Rapid recovery快速恢复
Speeds up the natural regeneration of life.加速生命自然再生
Power regeneration 力量再生
Speeds up the natural regeneration of power.加速力量的自然再生
Pure light纯洁之光
Passively increases the effects of the healing spell on you.被动增加治疗符咒对自身的治疗效果
Gives life back to an ally.复活盟友
Applied healing治疗专注
Gives the chance of doubling the effect of the healing spell.增加双倍治疗效果的几率(治疗暴击!!!1)
Sacred shield圣盾
Passively increases armour under the effect of the illumination spell.被动增强圣光效果,增加护甲
Superior benediction强力祝福
Passively increases all attributes under the effect of the illumination spell被动增强圣光效果,增加所有属性
Fervent prayer虔诚祷告
Passively increases the duration of illumination.被动增加圣光的持续时间
Increases damage and protects against the spells of the Shadow.增强伤害,并增强目标对黑暗能量的抗性
Reverend’s prayer牧师的祈祷
Allies in the area and others also benefit from the illumination spell. 使圣光作用在区域内的所有盟友身上
After a fight, immobility allows for quicker life and power recuperation.战斗之后,快速回复生命及力量
Life absorption生命吸收
Healing an ally causes harm to nearby enemies by taking life from them.从盟友附近的敌人身上夺取生命,造成伤害,并用于治疗盟友
When one of the gauges (life or power) is full, a part of the unused regeneration is converted into regeneration for the other gauge. 当生命或力量之一完满时,其恢复量将转移到另一未回复完满的属性中
The next spells used are more powerful. 赋予下一次符咒更强大的力量
Reduces the chances of being interrupted. 减少被打断的机率
Reduces all costs in power points. 减少所有力量点的消耗
Increases the power of your invocations.增强祈祷的力量
Gives greater possibilities of making another decisive action after a first decisive action. 在一次发起决定性的动作后继续下一个决定性动作的成功几率
#= TROLL巨魔 =
Increases the speed of an attack and the harm done by the next attacks. 增加攻击的速度和下一次攻击的伤害。
Increases harm inflicted in a melee.增加近战伤害
Troll strength巨魔之力
Increases strength.增加力量
Terrifying sight大范围视野
Increases the chances of hitting a target.增加攻击命中率
Channeled strength野蛮之力(力量引导)
Increases the harm caused by using strength.增加力量值所带来的伤害加成
#= ELFE精灵 =
Affinity with magic魔法之源
Gives the opportunity to cast the next spells without any cost in power points.下一次施法不耗费任何力量点
Increases resistance to black magic.增强魔法抗性
The first action in combat is more powerful. 增强第一次攻击的力量
Passively increases the damage of inflicted elements.被动增强元素伤害
Increases the ability to dodge and to make a decisive attack.增加闪避几率和致命攻击几率
#= GOBELIN妖精 =
Powder son火药之子
Increases the precision and harm done with a firearm.增加火器射击的精确度和伤害
Resistance to spells魔法抵抗
Increases resistance to magic.增加对魔法攻击的抵抗力
Thick skin厚皮
Improves your constitution.增强体质
Evolved armour强化盔甲
Improves armour.增强护甲
Increases dodging and movement speed.增加闪避几率和移动速度
#= NATURE自然 =
Acid blood腐烂之血
Your blood, which has become acid, wounds attackers in melee. 血液中充满酸性物质,通过近身攻击伤害敌人
Ancestral power先祖之力
Ancestors' souls give power points over time.先祖之灵使你的力量点逐渐恢复
Master druid德鲁伊专精
Passively increases the duration of lycanthropy, purification, ancestral power and nature's help.被动增加兽化为狼人、净化、先祖之力和自然之力的持续时间
Passively reduces the cost in power points of all nature spells.减少自然符咒的施法时间
Protective bark咆哮
Temporarily increases all resistance to elements and poison. 暂时增强元素及毒药抗性
Inflicts direct damage on the adversary. Very powerful against mechanical enemies. 使敌人直接受到伤害,在对抗机械性敌人时更加有效
Natural instinct that passively gives the chance to ignore physical or magical damage.自然的本能,被动获得忽视物理、魔法伤害的几率
Metamorphosis into an animal for a certain amount of time.快速变化为动物,持续一段时间
Projects an insect egg that emits a purulent swarm on impact.
Inflicts damage on the target and his nearby allies.
Nature's help自然之力
Invokes a ferocious beast.召唤凶猛的野兽为你作战
Wild marks野蛮印记
Increases strength and agility.增加力量和敏捷
Lycanthrope rage狂怒兽化
#= TECHNO技术 =
Generates a shield which blocks all missiles.产生可抵抗飞弹的盾
Steam jets蒸汽喷射器
Releases a high pressure stream of steam that can wound the adversary up to five times. 释放高压蒸汽,使敌人连续受到5次伤害
Mechanical implants that increase intelligence and constitution.增加智力和体质
Magnetic shield磁化盾
Passively absorbs a part of the damage sustained.被动持续吸收部分受到的伤害
Master engineer工程学专精
Passively increases the duration of the overload, the shield and the mechanical slave. 被动增加超负荷状态、盾及机械奴隶的持续时间
Passively reduces the cost in power points of all technology spells. 被动减少技术技能的力量点消耗
Mechanical slave机械奴隶
Invokes a mechanical slave.召唤机械奴隶
Neural modification神经中枢变体
Passively increases the effectiveness of dodging and parrying.被动增加闪避和格挡的效力
Increases for a time the speed and physical harm of an attack. 暂时增加攻击速度、物理伤害
Power siphon力量吸收
Steals power points from the adversary up to five times. 窃取来自敌人的力量点
The irradiated enemy and his close allies sustain damage over time. 敌人及其附近盟友将逐渐受到伤害
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回答:我并没有完整的尝试过这种速通方式,可能有些套路并没有发现。但是呢。不得不说,不通过修改器,通过上述手段,确实可以做到几年XX境界。当然,个人觉得上述不少手段都是游戏内机制不够完善导致。肝帝确实是存在的。技术大佬也是很多的。一部分人确实可以做到... 详情 >