

今天,我们很高兴地宣布一个新的故事为主的质量效应3单人游戏DLC - “ 利维坦”!


质量效应3的事件发生期间,选手将被撵到黑暗的角落的空间,他们将在那里追捕一个神秘的传言是强大到足以摧毁一个收割机。正如他们与时间赛跑,他们将开始解开这个秘密的利维坦。城堡探索未知的系统和新领域,用全新的字符互动,解开AT-12入侵者猎枪和M-55阿格斯突击步枪和发现神秘历史的收割。可在PC,Xbox 360和PlayStation 3。成本是10元或800微软点数。

但是,这还不是全部。玩家将很快能够武装自己,一个新的单人武器包下载8月7日的交火包。可在PC,Xbox 360和PlayStation 3。成本是2美元或160微软点数。交火包将设有两个强大的新武器和五个奖金武器的斗争中使用夺回地球!

“质量效应3 Wii的ü




JIMA同学:收割机。。。呜呜呜 发布于 2023-05-20 09:18:22





 发布于 2023-05-20 04:11:32

开个会自杀:让人*痛的基翻= = 发布于 2023-05-20 01:58:52

发布于 2023-05-20 01:29:32

终极zm惊吓:买完利维坦还剩240点,购买武器包了 发布于 2023-05-20 01:05:52

N7_Shepard:终于有个像样点的单机DLC了 发布于 2023-05-20 01:03:22

*的又是赛狗和reaper当敌人,好无聊的样子 发布于 2023-05-20 01:03:12

Gothambats1939:看到老盖我就开心XD 发布于 2023-05-20 00:38:32

清宵独细听:没有吐露任何有关这个DLC的剧情啊 发布于 2023-05-20 00:35:42

Pryce06:武器包会不会是直接从多人里扒下来的? 发布于 2023-05-20 00:35:42

zzhi333333:武器不要,剧情必下, 发布于 2023-05-20 00:32:32

houdini12:何时发布这款DLC? 发布于 2023-05-20 00:22:12

t400041:收割机泥嚎 收割机再贱………… 发布于 2023-05-20 00:21:52

MacTavishWang:Wii U只有3代,坐等全灭 发布于 2023-05-20 00:21:02

帝国海军之魂:。。。有了DLC结局还不是一样悲剧。。。 发布于 2023-05-20 00:20:52

DLC是八月底了 发布于 2023-05-20 00:18:32

B上校:没错 你眼前的这个ME3DLC内容丰富 价格低廉 只需10块钱只需10块钱 赶快拿起电话订购吧 机不可失 时不再来 发布于 2023-05-20 00:17:52

 发布于 2023-05-20 00:17:02

移民舰队:同800点飘过,只买有剧情的吧 发布于 2023-05-20 00:15:42

vault_tec:转自BSN,武器包是在单人游戏里添加了多人武器,包括突瑞狙、蓝焰、geth smg、自动锄头以及两把新枪
The Firefight Pack includes the following weapons:
Indra Sniper Rifle: Fully automatic sniper rifle.

Indra's low-powered scope leaves it most effective at medium range, but

many soldiers believe this limitation is offset by the gun's rapid rate

of fire. The Indra is the first military-grade, fully automatic sniper

rifle. It has an extremely efficient heat-sink system that allows a

surprisingly large number of shots to be fired before the weapon ejects

its thermal clip.
Krysae Sniper Rifle: Heavy turian sniper rifle with explosive rounds and an automatic scope for all-range fighting.

turian antimateriel rifle is modified to kill Reaper enemies. The

Krysae's scope uses a rangefinder that adjusts to keep the target in

proper proportion to the shooter, which comes in useful when the sniper

is forced into close range. Its specialized ammunition is both

armor-piercing and explosive. In a desperate move, the turians released

its specifications over the extranet so that nearly anyone with a

fabricator could manufacture this weapon to help the war effort.
Reegar Carbine: Quarian electrical weapon that's best at close range.

electrical weapon improves upon the arc pistol's design by generating a

sustained current on its target. This weapon is named for the quarian

Reegar family, whose marines have served valiantly against the geth.
Harrier Assault Rifle: Full-auto Cerberus rifle with low recoil and heat generation.

Cerberus-modified Mattock rifles are fully automatic. Cerberus

gunsmiths reined in the recoil issues, resulting in a gun that stays on

target but delivers slightly less punch per round than a standard

Mattock. As such, the weapon is typically utilized by Cerberus's elite

troops who train constantly to make every burst count.
Geth SMG: Fully-automatic geth submachine gun. Its rate of fire increases when the trigger is held.

submachine gun works on the same principles as the Spitfire: it shoots

superconducting toroids that break apart on impact, retaining an

electrical charge that flash-converts the shrapnel into plasma. Unlike

the Spitfire, however, this smaller geth weapon has been modified to

take thermal clips. Holding down the trigger speeds up its rate of fire,

rapidly depleting the gun’s heat sink in exchange for nearly continuous

Blood Pack Punisher SMG: Submachine gun with a secondary barrel that fires armor-piercing rounds.

Punisher features a secondary barrel that fires one armor-piercing

round per main-barrel burst. It was developed by Blood Pack gunsmiths

who found that their vorcha recruits frequently forgot to optimize ammo

loads in the heat of combat. This configuration makes the process

automatic and highly effective at penetrating armor.
Adas Anti-Synthetic Assault Rifle: Electrical weapon that's effective against shields and synthetic targets.

in memory of the quarians killed in the Morning War on the planet Adas,

this weapon's electrical attack has been optimized for medium- to

long-range firefights. Alliance marines take issue with calling it a

"rifle" since, technically, it has no rifling in its barrel. The

quarians shrug this off, as quarian weapon terminology rarely translates

flawlessly into human languages. 发布于 2023-05-20 00:13:52

DoubleCold1122:送多人武器?????那我就买 发布于 2023-05-20 00:09:52

ziquan12345:是单人的吧~~还是多人的美刀武器包? 发布于 2023-05-20 00:09:32

bawxxx:这*的机译...我就看了两行,不过竟然都看懂了...我擦... 发布于 2023-05-20 00:09:22

爱伦挥术者:2美元武器包。。。又不厚道了。。。 发布于 2023-05-19 23:55:22

shanowen:收割机泪目。。。 发布于 2023-05-19 23:52:32



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