

不良良良大人:摩克卡菲直接叫摩卡啊 发布于 2024-04-10 20:18:43

弑魂0黑暗君主:好久不见的科普 发布于 2024-04-10 18:24:03

1774983620az: 发布于 2024-04-10 18:19:13

狂之河蟹:卡面还蛮可爱的 发布于 2024-04-10 18:14:13

发布于 2024-04-10 17:54:53

卡组和话大概就是新神+天1辉夜/因陀罗乌龟这种了,感觉很难搭配,综合强度大概是D级,建议强度党此次收手。 发布于 2024-04-10 17:54:43

Forever·BBJXZ:对了,应该 我怎么给忘了 发布于 2024-04-10 17:32:43

夜神的缄默: 发布于 2024-04-10 17:30:53

豹躁老哥:神代大佬个个都是人才讲故事又好听 发布于 2024-04-10 17:30:13

发布于 2024-04-10 17:26:23

巨人的身体却有母马的心,外表的强悍难掩其内心的羸弱,这点神代立绘表现为一个远比高山巨大的女巨人,却做出了抱头蹲防的丢人动作,不得不说还是挺到位的。 发布于 2024-04-10 17:24:03


Hrunger的心脏 - 这 个北欧符号是第一个在老北欧被称为Valknut的石刻上发现的,这个石刻也被称为“Hrungnir的心脏,用于纪念爱达经中的伟人Hrungnir(即赫朗格尼尔), 其最为著名的名字是Valknut或杀死的结。“它已在几个带有葬礼图案的石刻上被发现,被认为是来世的象征。Valknut的三连锁形状和九个点有时被用于代表重生,怀孕,和再生的周期。它们的相互编织形状也暗示了三界-大地,地狱和天堂的相互关联,并且他们包括九域。
(以上内容我也看不太懂) 发布于 2024-04-10 17:23:23

He entered the hall and requested a drink. They then took the bowls that Thor was accustomed to drink from, and Hrungner emptied them all. When he became drunk, he gave the freest vent to his loud boastings. He said he was going to take Valhal and move it to Jotunheim, demolish Asgard and kill all the gods except Freyja and Sif, whom he was going to take home with him. When Freyja went forward to refill the bowls for him, he boasted that he was going to drink up all the ale of the asas. But when the asas grew weary of his arrogance, they named Thor’s name. At once Thor was in the hall, swung his hammer in the air, and, being exceedingly wroth, asked who was to blame that dog-wise giants were permitted to drink there, who had given Hrungner permission to be in Valhal, and why Freyja should pour ale for him as she did in the feasts of the asas. Then answered Hrungner, looking with anything but friendly eyes at Thor, and said that Odin had invited him to drink, and that he was there under his protection. Thor replied that he should come to rue that invitation before he came out. Hrungner again answered that it would be but little credit to Asa-Thor to kill him, unarmed as he was. It would be a greater proof of his valor if he dared fight a duel with him at the boundaries of his territory, at Grjottungard. It was very foolish of me, he said, that I left my shield and my flint-stone at home; had I my weapons here, you and I would try a holmgang (duel on a rocky island); but as this is not the case, I declare you a coward if you kill me unarmed. Thor was by no means the man to refuse to fight a duel when he was challenged, an honor which never had been shown him before. Then Hrungner went his way, and hastened with all his might back to Jotunheim. His journey became famous among the giants, and the proposed meeting with Thor was much talked of. 发布于 2024-04-10 17:21:13

Odin rode on his horse Sleipner to Jotunheim, and came to the giant whose name is Hrungner. Then asked Hrungner what man that was who with a golden helmet rode both through the air and over the sea, and added that he had a remarkably good horse. Odin said that he would wager his head that so good a horse could not be found in Jotunheim. Hrungner admitted that it was indeed an excellent horse, but he had one, called Goldfax, that could take much longer paces; and in his wrath he immediately sprang upon his horse and galloped after Odin, intending to pay him for his insolence. Odin rode so fast that he was a good distance ahead, but Hrungner had worked himself into such a giant rage that, before he was aware of it, he had come within the gates of Asgard. When he came to the hall door, the asas invited him to drink with them. 发布于 2024-04-10 17:18:23

Forever·BBJXZ:摩克卡菲(Mokkerkalfe)出自北欧神话,《新爱达经》,种族是巨人。其实他(神话中为男性)本身只是一个配角。整个故事的主角是赫朗格尼尔(Hrungnir)和托尔(Thor) 。
发布于 2024-04-10 17:17:43

发布于 2024-04-10 17:16:23


问题:《三国全面战争》关于我一觉睡醒变成袁谭这件事(体验向 黑熊新袁谭+名将复兴)

回答:貌似是名字能改的,LZ曝下ID吧 详情 >


回答:bug***多三天两头坏档我已经删了 详情 >


回答:不能肯定,但大概率是坏人 详情 >


回答:最近看坛子总有朋友们说搜不到名将,还有人显摆搜到了各种名将,更有人一本正经的胡说八道的说多少年在哪个城搜索可以找到名将……鉴于以上情况,本人把自己搜索必出名将的方法跟大家分享一下。大家要知道群8的一个重要机制——月度和季度变化。月度变化即每个月3... 详情 >

问题:《rimworld》我来把RimWorld Wiki上的官方设定翻译一下,感兴趣的欢迎讨论

回答:不要小看莱王...他是个大智若愚, 深藏不露的家伙. 没发现么,它是唯一一个我们不知道身世的人么? 而且莱王怎么说也上千岁了... 说是克洛根人反叛的是时候就已经在世了. 1的时候他曾经说过反叛之后因为和父亲理念不合而杀了他. 1千多岁的克洛根, 老滑头了,什么... 详情 >