《中世纪2全面战争》CA最新博客内容2017.11.01 中3要来?
明年我们会搞个大新闻, 现在我们和历史系列的三个头头谈谈,玛雅,杰克,杰诺士(三个头头因为有三个队伍,一个给过去某一作搞扩展战役,一个搞短篇SAGA系列,一个搞下个历史正作)
Maya, I’ll start with your team as we’re going to hear from you guys first, and soon too. Without giving the game away, what are you up to?
Maya: Well we’re working on a campaign expansion for one of our older games, probably the biggest historical one CA’s done we think. We’ve been working on our project for the best part of a year, and with not long to go we’re well into testing now with nearly all the content in. And yes, it’s going to be the next Total War announcement, which is exciting for us!
We can say it’s for one of our slightly older games though?
Maya: Yes, and the first time we’ve gone back to a game so long after release. That in itself is very new territory and something we’re keen to explore as a studio, because it opens up lots of exciting future projects if it’s successful.
There’s a lot of people still playing this particular game, but there’s also lot more we haven’t even touched in that era yet, some really incredible stories and events that defined history.
What are you looking forward to most about the release?
Maya: Well of course we want players to get a big kick out of the new expansion, but I think seeing people’s reaction to the big free update we’re making to the main game at the same time will be really interesting. It’s great to be able to go back and look at a whole area of the game and make some changes.
Jack, your team is working on our first Total War Saga game, we’ve had one work in progress screenshot from it, that people seemed to decode pretty quickly, can we expect to see any more soon?
Jack: Maybe we weren’t as obscure with that as we could have been… We’re coming out after Maya’s project, so a little while till release yet, but we’re hoping to announce relatively soon, so everyone will see a lot more then. Or at least know for sure what we’re making.
And the idea behind Sagas is to spin off from a previous game?
Jack: Yes. The idea is to take those flashpoints of history that make for great geo-political set-ups for TW games, but are more focused in scale than a new tentpole Era game. Doesn’t make them ‘small’ though, we’re working on a campaign map that’s the size of Shogun 2. And that focus allows us to create greater depth too. A tighter focus means a higher resolution of detail.
But it is a follow-on title, not a new game entirely?
Jack: It’s a new game in that it’s substantial and stand-alone sure, but it’s like Fall of the Samurai following-on from Shogun 2. We’re taking the base from a previous game, overhauling it and adding new content, but not reinventing the wheel. It’s an extension or magnification of the previous game’s time period, so of course there’s some cross over. And that allows us to add even more new content. Fall of the Samurai is a great example really.
And it’s new territory for your team too, not just being a Saga game, but given your previous project?
Jack: In a way yes, we’ve all worked on all sorts of TW games in the past, but I guess our last official release as a team was the Age of Charlemagne expansion for Attila. So it’s certainly different to be working on a self-contained game, that will be in a box on shelves. I’ve been chatting with the marketing guys recently about packfront designs, which is novel!
Anything you can tell me about the subject of the game to tide us over and generate endless speculation?
Jack: It’s a period and place I’ve wanted to make a game about for years, so yes I’m excited. As I came from the community as a modder originally, I know there’s going to be some hardcore fans out there who will like what we’re doing. And then enjoy pulling it apart and modding it…
Oh, and beware the crow.
答:暗示, 小心乌鸦。(得了吧,就是维京嘛,有啥神秘的)
Last but not least, Janos, expectation is going to weigh pretty heavy on your team, being responsible for the first new historical Era title since 2013? And a whole new time period we’ve never been to?
Janos: Expectation is high, but so is the excitement amongst the team here. A brand new era brings a completely different look and feel to this Total War game.
We’ve ramped up to the final team size in the past few months, so things are moving along steadily with daily visible progress. For example, it’s nice to see, after having researched historical city-layouts for months, it all coming together in the game. There are still placeholder grey boxes here and there, but the atmosphere is already outstanding and gameplay feels strong.
So things are really moving at the moment?
Janos: They are indeed. We’ve been in the mocap studio a lot recently, it’s in a big warehouse here in Horsham, just a short walk from our studio. A good portion of the team have been down there, because our stunt men are drawing quite a crowd with what they’re doing. We always work with professionals, but this time around we’re taking a much more ambitious approach to mocap than we have with previous historical total war games. We invested extra time, effort, and external experts to get the maximum impact. I’m sure fans will be impressed when they see these fully realised animations in the actual game.
A brand new Era though, got to be easy to guess?
Janos: There are plenty of eras Total War’s not been to yet, so I wouldn’t say that. But sure there’s some more obvious ones we see people excited about, and we’re going to be excited too. We have a big list, it’s easy to come up with a big list. We have our favourites, some of them are relatively obscure. And we have eras on that list we’ve already been to, that we want to go to again.
Mike Simpson gave an interview years ago that we see fans quote all the time, where he says he doesn’t think we’ll do a “3”. That is a long time ago. We’ve changed our minds a hundred times on that since, so all bets are off when we’re thinking of our next game.
答:我们的Mike Simpson几年前说过我们不会做“3”, 这个打算早改了,所以下一个游戏任何可能性都有。(中世纪3预定?说好的从来没碰过呢?莫非是中世纪但地图在蒙古亚洲?)
But this one, will be brand new, and that means we can explore interesting new concepts while still bringing what makes it ‘Total War’ to the game.
影牙将军:希望双手骨骼给力点 发布于 2022-11-09 12:16:52
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taoge75: 发布于 2022-05-21 21:26:52
浮云谢Xie:不把王子指定和郡主自由婚配给我搞定就是扯犊子 发布于 2022-05-21 08:24:12
不同于一般的回合制或即时制战略游戏,《决战3》中玩家将以类似动作游戏般的方式操控整只部队来行动与攻击,并可发挥各种主将特有的强力技能,来进行攻击防御,融合了如同《真 三国无双》般的动作游戏成分,以及《决战》系列作传统的战术策略成分,并可随着战斗经验的累积与奖金的取得,来提升人物的能力,并购买更强力的武器装备,融入了角色扮演的要素在内。 发布于 2022-05-21 07:51:52
而且我知道我玩不到。。。 发布于 2022-05-21 07:38:42
会是什么样呢 微操到个人各种动作
发布于 2022-05-21 07:37:42
莫非这个 发布于 2022-05-21 03:43:42
taoge75: 发布于 2022-05-21 03:43:32
第四分身冥启:要是出个中国历史就好了,我比较喜欢明朝,而且明朝在外国人眼中也比较有名吧?恩,其实也只能自己yy了 发布于 2022-05-21 03:36:42
stmzdzshzml:问题在于,现在战锤玩的很习惯了巨兽魔法boom,将领开无双,弓兵干骑兵啥的突然回归历史有点不适应 发布于 2022-05-21 03:35:32
DlL在路上:然而引擎肯定不是中二的引擎了。 发布于 2022-05-21 03:31:52
雾与霜:中3感觉是有生之年了而且要是罗马2的引擎我选择拒绝 发布于 2022-05-21 03:14:52
加菲胖猫咪:全战3冰与火之歌 发布于 2022-05-21 03:05:32
taoge75:这可是个开创性的神作,极有创造力的解决了本体、dlc和盈利间的复杂关系。把各个时代的战役做进同一部作品里,用小战役代替征服模式,实现没有本体直接卖dlc的伟大胜利。 发布于 2022-05-21 02:55:42
taoge75: 发布于 2022-05-21 02:55:32
taoge75: 发布于 2022-05-21 02:55:32
taoge75: 发布于 2022-05-21 02:55:22
taoge75: 发布于 2022-05-21 02:55:12
妖之瞳境:先把混沌四神的坑填了再说吧,当然要出中世纪我也是欢迎的 发布于 2022-05-21 02:32:52
123博物馆sb:CA是个什么东东? 发布于 2022-05-21 02:32:42
穆罕默德二世__:我还是觉得蒙古西征加四大汗国资料片有可能呀 发布于 2022-05-21 02:32:02
1037427289:俺寻思这拓展战役有说头 发布于 2022-05-21 02:11:22
SAWALAK:战锤全面战争的坑 填完之前 什么 ***也不搞 全部ca人员专心填坑啊 魂淡 发布于 2022-05-21 02:08:32
答:没想好…… 发布于 2022-05-21 02:01:32
气啊啊qq啊:所以看完全篇,就是下一部连开发者自己都不知道要出什么? 发布于 2022-05-21 01:52:02
更多《中世纪2全面战争》CA最新博客内容2017.11.01 中3要来?相关问题
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